Anna Maria Island is a place where you can safely run, walk, or ride your bike. Along most main roads, and some side roads, there are almost always bike paths, sidewalks, and numerous crosswalks and the speed limits are 35mph or less for cars. However, while in such a relaxed atmosphere, it can be easy to forget the ‘rules of the road’. This can lead to disaster for the driver, pedestrian or biker.
Since there are not many places left in the US where you can easily bike or walk to breakfast, church, or the general store; we don’t want you to miss out on this unique aspect of the island! Here are a few reminders for drivers, pedestrians, and bikers that will help keep everyone safe:
Biker and Pedestrian Safety Reminders
Be attentive to your surroundings while biking, walking, or running – even the most cautious driver may not see you. When listening to music, consider using only one earpiece so you can still hear what is happening around you.
- Always ride with traffic (right side of the road). Riding against traffic on the sidewalk or the bike path is particularly dangerous when crossing side streets. Drivers don’t expect to see you riding against traffic.
- When possible, ride in the bike lane.
- Bikers should ride to the side of the road and allow cars to pass them in areas where there is no bike path.
- Less experienced bikers, especially children, may want to ride on the sidewalk. This is allowed, but please remember to give any pedestrian the right of way.
- When turning, or where the road is very narrow, it might be necessary to ride as part of the traffic. Ride defensively and make sure cars see you.
- Always run/walk against traffic (left side of the road). The only exception to this is if there is only one sidewalk. In that case, always walk on the side of the street that has the sidewalk.
- Pedestrians should always use crosswalks when crossing the road. Even at crosswalks wait until you are certain that traffic will stop for you.
Car and Truck Drivers
At all crosswalks (and even sometimes when there is no crosswalk) drivers should always stop and give the right of way to pedestrians waiting to cross. Stop signs in crosswalks do not mean you need to stop if there are no pedestrians. Drivers should never drive in the bike lane. When the car in front of you is stopped because they are waiting to make a left-hand turn, it is easy to want to drive around the right side of the vehicle. This is unsafe, as there may be a hard-to-see biker riding up beside you. Please wait for the car to turn and then continue down the street.
Following these guidelines will help keep our island pedestrian friendly!
Talk to us today about renting bikes for your next vacation and taking part in one of the most unique aspects of island living. We offer comfortable bikes in all sizes for men, women, and kids. For details, check out our concierge page, or call us at 941.782.8152.
Hope to see you happily peddling!
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Lowry Park Zoo
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens